International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Intercultural Adjustment of Pakistani Students at Chinese Universities

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With the emergence of Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan after 2000, a large number of Pakistani students going abroad for studies and facing various issues and hurdles of cultural adaptability. A dramatic increase has been observed in the number of Pakistani students going to China. In this backdrop, we examine the intercultural adaptability of Pakistani students studying in China. For that purpose, a qualitative study was done on 15 Pakistani students studying in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, P. R. China to evaluate the effective strategies that enhance the intercultural adjustment and their perceptions of intercultural adaptability. For in depth analysis, the questionnaire was designed to ask different questions from the respondents. The author personally visits the respondents and asked the questions included in the questionnaire. The responses of the respondents were being recorded. The study examined five main themes (Educational Experience in China, Social and Cultural Experience in China, Friendship with Chinese Students, Life Satisfaction in China and Learning Achievement in China) to examine the intercultural adaptability of Pakistani students. The study found that Pakistani students are much satisfied from their educational experience and learning achievements. Further, they are also satisfied from the life spending in china as they didn’t feel any threat, risk or any other danger. Regarding the social and culture experience of China, the Pakistani students seems highly satisfied.
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In-Text Citation: (Noreen, Wei, Zareen, & Malik, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Noreen, S., Wei, F. W., Zareen, M., & Malik, S. (2019). The Intercultural Adjustment of Pakistani Students at Chinese Universities. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(3), 1044–1059.