International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Executive leadership performance according to Culture Variety in Iranian organizations (Case Study: Social Security Insurance of Main Provinces in Iran

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Today's organizations are face with many challenges, such as maintaining the quality through reduced resources, improve financial management, to receive more research support, development of new intrusions and skills, assist members to cope with the increasing work pressure, maintaining motivation and work spirit, innovation in education and research. The purpose of this investigate research is to analysis and examine the executive leader’s behaviors and the managers with the culture difference in Iranian organizations based on Hofstede's cultural indicators in the large companies’ contacts of main provinces of Iran. The current study applied and descriptive-correlative and analyses the situation on of executive leaders in different culture throw the work at large companies with the employees by different cultures and behaviors. The statistical population of the survey is carried out by the employees of the central offices of Social Security Insurance, which was reported in 2017 by more than 6,000 people population. The sample size is 351 according to the Morgan table and selected by proportional random sampling. The main method of gathering the information’s in this research is with the designed questionnaire combination of a researcher idea and Hofstede's theory. Also, the validity of the questionnaire was verified by factor analysis ANOVA and 6 factors explained the total of variance of 51.59%. The calculated reliability coefficient for the culture questionnaire by the Cronbach coefficient test was 0.795, which shows an acceptable reliability. The results of this research showed that there are different cultures based on geographic regions and it has direct impacts on the behaviors of employees and executive leader’s performance. Finally, some suggestions for leaders and managers were explained with regard to the existing cultural differences.
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In-Text Citation: (Rahil, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Rahil, A. (2019). Executive leadership performance according to culture variety in Iranian organizations (Case Study: Social Security Insurance of Main Provinces in Iran). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(3), 828–841.