International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Effect of E-Service Quality on the Intention to Reuse Website of Ota in Buying Aircraft Tickets

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The intention to reuse the e-commerce website on the air ticket booking website proves that users who are used to purchasing online services are less satisfied and have low intention to reuse the website. This study aims to determine the picture of e-service quality on intention to reuse on students of Traveloka Users, Users and Users at Faculty of Social Sciences Education University of Indonesia Bandung. Independent variable in this research is e-service quality (X) to dependent variable (Y) that is intention to reuse. The type of research used is descriptive and verifikatif with the method used explanatory survey and cross sectional method approach. Samples in this study as many as 300 FPIPS UPI students include 129 respondents Traveloka users, 99 respondents users and 72 respondents users. With sampling technique that is sample random sampling and to get a proportional sample, then used technique Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling, analysis technique used is multiple regression and independent sample T-Test to know the difference in each object. Feedback of FPIPS students UPI of Traveloka, and users to high intention to reuse, personalization dimension, reliability and fulfillment have a significant influence while the availability and security dimension has no significant effect.
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In-Text Citation: (Waluya, Ridwanudin, & Utami, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Waluya, B., Ridwanudin, O., & Utami, W. D. (2019). Effect of E-Service Quality on the Intention to Reuse Website of Ota in Buying Aircraft Tickets. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(3), 789–799.