International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Delve Into the Challenges of Career Retention among Women Engineer: The Application of the Modified Delphi Technique

Open access

Ummu Sakinah Subri, Ummu Sakinah Subri, Ridzwan Che’ Rus ., Ramlee Mustapha, Zaliza Hanapi, Zaliza Hanapi

Pages 767-773 Received: 28 Jan, 2019 Revised: 21 Feb, 2019 Published Online: 21 Mar, 2019
Women can never be separated from the issue of family commitment in their careers after marriage. The involvement of female engineer shows that it starts to become less and less as the years went by due to the married women facing more conflicts and challenges when they are trying to have a balance between their career and family. Career challenges are anything that prevents future movements from developing or making any progress or any incidents and conditions that make the career development difficult to move forward. Therefore, this study aims to obtain a consensus or an expert agreement regarding career challenges among female engineer who are married. The technique used in this study to identify career challenges is the Modified Delphi Technique. This technique is very suitable and appropriate for exploring new views and opinions taken from a seven-selected panel of experts in an interview with the researchers. With the results obtained from the interview and the approvals from the seven-selected panel of experts, the researchers construct a questionnaire instrument in which it consists of the element of challenges and the items for each challenge. Furthermore, this technique was carried out for three rounds, which started with the expert panel interviews and was followed by a series of a questionnaire survey in the second and third rounds. This cycle of Modified Delphi Technique was then halted when the agreement value or a consensus had been reached by all the panel of experts based on the analysis of Interquartile range (IQR) that has been made.
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In-Text Citation: (Subri, Rus, Mustapha, & Hanapi, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Subri, U. S., Rus, R. C., Mustapha, R., & Hanapi, Z. (2019). Delve Into the Challenges of Career Retention among Women Engineer: The Application of the Modified Delphi Technique. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(3), 767–773.