International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Ethics of Football Watching According to Islam

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Football game has become a favourite game throughout the world including among Muslim countries. It does not just involve matches at the national level, but also at the international level. Nevertheless, frequently, football match is contaminated with unwanted incidents such as riot, quarrel, damage of public property, supporters raiding into the play field, hitting the players, supporters of opponent team and others, especially in Malaysia. As a result, damage happens to property of government and public, injury to the supporters and players and pollution to image of supporters and certain state football team. With regard to that, this article is brought upon aiming to explain on the ethics of football watching according to Islam to avoid damage to the property of government and public, injury, fine payment by certain team and pollution to image of supporters and football players. Method of this writing was based on qualitative study. Data were collected based on document analysis by referring to nooks regarding tafsir (Quranic interpretation), sunnah (Prophet’s traditions), classical fiqh books, contemporary fiqh, current fatwas and opinions of contemporary Islamic scholars from various countries. Data collected were analysed and commented through inductive, deductive and comparative methods to gain appropriate result in alignment with the determined objective. This study found that ethics of football watching involve absence of swearing and utterance of filthy words, no damage to public properties, no insulting, backbiting or defaming and degrading of others, no disposal of eye-irritating and polluting object, no show of extremely sad character and face and no screaming, whistling, dancing and jigging.
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In-Text Citation: (Ibrahim & Firhan, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Ibrahim, B., & Firhan, M. A. (2019). Ethics of Football Watching According to Islam. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(3), 532–545.