International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Review of Human Resource Change Management Strategies in the Digital Era

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The intention of this paper is to address the existing issues faced by human resource personnel and predict the future state of human resource management. In addition, change management strategies were designed by using Kotter's change model. Human resource management and strategic interventions were recommended to facilitate the transformation process of human resource management. The concept of gamification was introduced to manage change that allows for smooth structural change. Gamification creates a powerful human resource transformation plan to promote better user engagement, process improvement and employee motivation. It helps employers and recruiters to generate interest in their job openings for qualified candidates. Gamification strengthens the brand of employer by distinguishing a company from its competitors and assists transformation plan that leads to an innovative human resource workforce in the future.
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In-Text Citation: (Hee & Shanmugam, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Hee, O. C., & Shanmugam, N. (2019). A Review of Human Resource Change Management Strategies in the Digital Era. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(3), 521–531.