International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Guidelines of Fiqh For Sharia-Compatible Football Watching

Open access
Football game is not silent from supporters from around the world, including Islamic countries. While watching football, there are many types of disposition shown by the viewers. Some display calm reaction and not less who dispose violent reaction. Such reactions frequently lead to riot and destruction to property of government. Sometimes, it is caused by dissatisfaction of the viewers towards performance quality of the referee and sometimes towards player of their team or of the opponent. Such uncontrolled behaviors displayed by certain viewers during the watching of football match either at stadium or home need clear guidelines to control them that they will comply to sharia and will not contribute to damage of properties and fight between them, which all will be a loss to the country. The purpose of this article to be brought forward is to explain the fiqh guidelines of sharia-compatible football watching, as a formula of reducing fight incidents and property damage during football watching. It also aims to protect the image of Muslim community as a highly-civilized community with good moral conduct either in happiness or in sadness. Method of this study was based on qualitative study. Data were collected from documentation study by referring to books related to tafsir, sunnah, classical fiqh books, principles of Islamic jurisprudence, contemporary fiqh, current fatwas and views of contemporary scholars, surveys, observation and also interviews. Data were collected, analyzed and elaborated through inductive deductive and comparative methods to get appropriate result compatible with determined research objective. This research found that fiqh guidelines of football watching are of three aspects which are faith (aqidah), rituals of worship (ibadah) and moral disposition (akhlak). Faith focuses more on someone’s undivided dependence to Allah SWT. Rituals of worship emphasize guarding of obligatory to not be ignored. Moral disposition stresses more on keeping in line the actions at the stadium during the watching of a football match, to ensure the high civilization and noble moral disposition.
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In-Text Citation: (Ibrahim & Firhan, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Ibrahim, B., & Firhan, M. A. (2019). Guidelines of Fiqh For Sharia-Compatible Football Watching. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(3), 348–361.