International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Tawheed Thought of Al-Imam Al-Qushayri In the Book of Al-Tahbir Fi Al-Tadhkir

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Islamic religion is founded based on faith in unseen things that are worshiped through the words of Allah s.w.t. and the words of the Messenger of Allah s.a.w.. The understanding and correct i?tiqad of the ghaibiyyah cannot be achieved through superficial reasoning but only with the guidance of the scholars. In this current era of globalization, many understandings and ideologies are attacking the Muslims. In addition, the situation of the Muslim community nowadays that easy to take any information without carefully understanding where the source of the declaration is obtained and whether the agenda on the other side causes more and more people to be influenced by the understanding that are contrary to the right aqidah while at the same time improving the class of society whose thinking style is not parallel with the shariah. This article tries to introduce the concept of monotheism according to the thought of al-Imam Abd al-Karim Bin Hawazin al-Qushayri in the book al-Tahb?r fi al-Tadhk?r as a reference to monotheistic thought. Qualitative studies that use content analysis method examine the definition of monotheism described by al-Imam al-Qushayri in the book al-Tahbir, the explanation regarding the nature of recognizing Allah Almighty, as well as the appreciation of Ism al-Dhat, the nature of al-Dhat and the nature of al- Fi'il in al-Asma 'al-Husna through al-Tahb?r fi al-Tadhk?r. From the conclusions, the concept of monotheism that al-Qushayri brought seen suitable to be used as a guide and reference of thought for the Muslims and can act as shield for the Muslim’s aqidah. Al-Qushayri was wisely established understandings upon the ideologies that contradicted to the right aqidah especially that related to the dhat and nature of the Almighty God. He was also seen as having succeeded in diverting the readers' goals rather than knowledges solely to the realization of monotheism through the education of manners among a servant to Allah s.w.t.
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In-Text Citation: (Faisal, M.N., Omar, S.H.S., Ali, M. S., Zin, A. D. M. & Khairuldin, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Faisal, M.N., Omar, S.H.S., Ali, M. S., Zin, A. D. M. & Khairuldin, W. M. K. F. W. (2019). Tawheed Thought of Al-Imam Al-Qushayri In the Book of Al-Tahbir Fi Al-Tadhkir. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(3), 331–338.