International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Main Objectives of the Interpretation of Legal Rules

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In this work we propose to analysis the main objectives of interpreting legal norms. Interpretation of legal norms is the logical-rational operation which clarifies the exact and complete meaning of normative provisions. It is a necessary condition for the process of achieving the Law. Regarding the object of interpretation of legal texts, we must mention that all three constituent elements of the norms are subject to interpretation: the hypothesis, the provision and the sanction. The hypothesis of the legal norm is subject to interpretation in order to clarify precisely to whom the rule is addressed and what are the conditions, circumstances, facts to which its prescription refers. The interpretation of the provision of the legal rule determines precisely those rights and obligations of the established subjects. Here, the conduct laid down for the subjects of the legislator will be specified. Interpretation is also required with regard to the sanction of the legal norm. In this case, the interpreter will specify the consequences in the case of the implementation or non-fulfillment of those normative prescriptions and what measures will be taken by the state authority.
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Arbitrajul de stat, no 1/1962
In-Text Citation: (Tache, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Tache, G. E. (2019). The Main Objectives of the Interpretation of Legal Rules. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(1), 1166–1172.