Social networking sites provide communication between applications with millions of people without them having to meet face to face. The organizations can implement social networking technology in their office in which their employees can interact and engaged with each other besides sharing their knowledge and ideas regarding task performance during office hours. The social networking sites play a social important role in bridging boundaries and bringing all people on a common platform which helps organizations find new business opportunities and marketing strategy. Moreover, social networking sites can be used as a social platform to monitor conversation about competitors, products or organizations. However, failure to control the usage will affect the organization productivity since it can waste time and be addictive. Thus, this study is to identify the relationship between social networking usage and organization productivity in a manufacturing company. This study gathered views of 100 employees of the manufacturing company and they were analyzed using Pearson correlation and multiple regressions. The results revealed that there is significant relationship between social networking usage and organization productivity at the company and social networking usage especially for marketing purposes has higher influence on the organization productivity.
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In-Text Citation: (Demong, Kamruddin, Khir, Othman, & Alwi, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Demong, N. A. R., Kamruddin, A. D., Khir, M. M., Othman, A. K., & Alwi, A. (2018). Social Networking Usage and Organization Productivity: A Case Study at a Manufacturing Company. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 2044–2053.
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