Advertising has become a powerful driving force as an effective communication medium predominantly utilized to capture worldwide consumers. Conclusively, global advertising is the most visible firms’ activity in marketing mix elements which greatly influence by cultures which are known as one of the critical factors that affect economic development, demographic behavior, and general business policies around the world and directly affect how people decipher the message they receive. For this reason, better proficiency of potential customers behold of culture should be acknowledged and exercised by global advertising firm and global merchants. Objective: This paper aimed to examine the effects of the culture elements array in global product advertisements content towards customer acceptance of a global product. Results: Findings show that there is the existence of the significant effects of cultural elements such as religion, language, and cultural norms display in global product advertisement which influences customer attitude towards the global product. Conclusion: Considering the effect of culture blunders that will drive the global firm to hesitate in the targeted market, this research thus suggests global advertising companies and global marketer do the necessary action.
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In-Text Citation: (Sani, Yunus, & Kamaluddin, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Sani, A., Yunus, M. M., & Kamaluddin, N. (2018). Cultural Elements that Affect Customer Acceptance towards Global Product Advertisement. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 2008–2016.
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