Background: The nursing profession is stressful since they have to deal with an extensive number of patients daily. Therefore, the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model has been proposed as the fundamental model in this study. The model is important in describing the job demands and job resources among nurses, specifically in Malaysia. Additionally, the job demands and job resources reflect their performance and service outcome. Therefore, this paper extends knowledge by emphasizing on the descriptive analysis basis of job demands and job resources among staff nurses of a general hospital in Malaysia. 60 staff nurses were randomly selected from a general hospital, which is located in Peninsular Malaysia who were involved to determine the level of their job demands and job resources. Objective: This study is used to determine the level of job demands and job resources among staff nurses in Malaysia. Results: Based on overall means, the study found that the nurses received a high level of physical and mental demands. However, the result indicated that they received a low level of autonomy and performance feedback from their respective colleagues and superiors. Additionally, they also received a moderate level of social support from the same colleagues and superiors. Conclusion: The present study is used to provide the updated review of descriptive analysis basis of job demands and job resources among nurses of a general hospital in Malaysia as well as to fill the literature gap.
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In-Text Citation: (Tahir & Hussein, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Tahir, N. K. M., & Hussein, N. (2018). Job demands and Job Resources: A study of nurses at a General Hospital in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 1971–1983.
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