Background: Public consultation is the basic need for every individual that should be allowed to express their views and concerns in government policy decision making. Most of the constitutions have recognised freedom of expression as an exclusive right for an individual or an organisation to contribute his or their thoughts without interference. Objective: To strengthen law-making, Government of Malaysia has to intervene by introducing quality assurance which embeds public consultation to have a collective decision-making. Results: Right decision from effective and efficient consultations from all stakeholders will guarantee sustainable policy in the long run. Conclusion: Rushing in gazetting a new law without thorough public consultation could lead to undesirable end and will burden both the government and citizens.
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In-Text Citation: (Majid, Ghadas, & Yazid, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Majid, M. Y. A., Ghadas, Z. A. A., & Yazid, A. S. (2018). Public Consultation: The Application of Freedom of Expression in the Law-Making Process. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 1916–1929.
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