International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Influence of Stakeholders Involvement on Development Project Performance in Guinea

Open access

Sekou Marouf Magassouba, Abdul Malek Bin A. Tambi, Baker Ibrahim Alkhlaifat, Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah

Pages 1111-1120 Received: 09 Dec, 2018 Revised: 05 Jan, 2019 Published Online: 29 Jan, 2019
Stakeholder involvement plays an important and critical role in project performance. In Guinea, the Administration and Control of Major Projects and Public Procurement (ACMPPP) has initiated a huge reforms and reorganizations of development projects implementation since 2014. This has involved different stakeholders who include: the Government through the operating Ministries, International Institutions such as United Nations Development Program, World Bank, Africa Development Bank etc., Construction and Manufacturing Companies as well as Non-Governmental Organizations. This paper will examine the literature around the stakeholders’ involvement concepts to address their influence in project identification, planning, implementation and monitoring on development project performance within organizations in Guinea.
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In-Text Citation: (Magassouba, Tambi, Alkhlaifat, & Abdullah, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Magassouba, S. M., Tambi, A. M. B. A., Alkhlaifat, B. I., & Abdullah, A. A. Bin. (2019). Influence of Stakeholders Involvement on Development Project Performance in Guinea. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(1), 1111–1120.