International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Relationship Between Cultural Types According to Handy’s Model and Organizational Structure in Jordanian Public Universities

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The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between organizational culture and organizational structure. Therefore, 354 academic and administrative members from 3 public universities in Jordan have been chosen in order to highlight the relationship between their organizational culture and organizational structure. Organizational culture scale developed by Harrison & Stokes (1992) and organizational structure scale developed by Gougui (2017) have been used during the preparation of the study questions. Factor analysis, reliability analysis and Pearson correlation analysis have been the major statistical indicators of data analysis. Correlation analysis results indicate that there is a medium level (r=0,530), positive and significant (p<0,01) relationship between organizational culture and organizational structure and there is not a significant statistical relationship between power culture (sub-dimension of organizational culture) and internal communication (sub-dimension of organizational structure). On the other hand, there is a significant, but weak relationship, between power culture (sub-dimension of organizational culture) and other sub-dimensions of organizational structure. There is a medium level statistical relationship between person culture (sub-dimension of organizational culture) and organizational complexity (sub-dimension of organizational structure).Moreover, it is observed that, there is a statistical significant relationship between sub-dimensions of organizational culture and organizational structure except the power culture (sub-dimension of organizational culture) and managerial attitude toward change (sub-dimension of organizational structure). Finally, it is also observed that, there is a significant statistical relationship between role culture, task culture and the rest of the organizational structure sub-dimensions except organizational complexity.
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In-Text Citation: (Nasaireh, Abdullah, & Obeidat, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Nasaireh, M. A., Abdullah, A. H., & Obeidat, K. A. (2019). The Relationship Between Cultural Types According to Handy’s Model and Organizational Structure in Jordanian Public Universities. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(1), 973–985.