International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Validity and Reliability of the HM-Learning Module among High School Students in Malaysia

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The study was conducted to obtain the validity and reliability of the HM Learning Skill Module. The HM Study Skills inventory was used to measure validity while the percentage method was used to measure the reliability of the module. The HM Learning Skills Inventory is used to measure the validity and reliability with the aims to measure the habits and learning methods of students. The value of validity is measured using Russel's Validity which consists of modules related to the content of this module to meet its Population target, 85.7%; The contents of this module can be implemented; perfectly; 80.0%, The content of this module is in line with the time allocated; 78.6%, The contents of this module can improve student performance; 81.4%, and the content of this model can transform students towards greater excellence; 80% and all these items are accepted by experts as a good legality. While for the reliability based on the pilot study of the HM-Learning Skills Module conducted by the application of the Small Group Learning Skills (n = 10) application in 3 small groups and the Study Group on the Learning Skills (n = 30) found that the reliability of the HM learning group module overall is .948. Hence, high alpha values prove that the HM-Learning Skills Module is acceptable and reliable to be used in the Intervention of Learning Skills Lesson Group and the Master's Guide to Learning Skills.
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In-Text Citation: (Fuad, Arip, & Sa’ad, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Fuad, R. A., Arip, M. A. S. M., & Sa’ad, F. (2019). Validity and Reliability of the HM-Learning Module among High School Students in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(1), 773–787.