International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Islamic Spiritual Ethics and Postmodernist Moral Thought: Can There Be A Reconciliation?

Open access

Adibah Sulaiman, Hisham Muhammad Taky Eldin Kandil, Mohd. Azmir Mohd. Nizah, Ahmad Norsyafwan Norawavi, Ezad Azraai Jamsari

Pages 670-683 Received: 07 Jan, 2019 Revised: 23 Jan, 2019 Published Online: 15 Feb, 2019
Postmodern ethical thought is not in line with Islamic spiritual ethics as modernism and postmodernism are Western ideas that have no place in Islam. This library study briefly elaborates the history of ethical development in the Islamic world and the spiritual ethics from the Islamic perspective. It also surveys the thought of postmodernism as well as postmodernism and religion as they need some deliberation for the interrelation between religion and ethics. As far as spiritual ethical thoughts are concerned, a discourse of the postmodernist ethical thought is given an emphasis to comprehend the ethical thought of postmodern supporters. An understanding of the ethos draws us to a conclusion that reconciliation between postmodernist ethical thought and Islamic spiritual ethics is impossible.
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In-Text Citation: (Sulaiman, Kandil, Nizah, Norawavi, & Jamsari, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Sulaiman, A., Kandil, H. M. T. E., Nizah, M. A. M., Norawavi, A. N., & Jamsari, E. A. (2019). Islamic Spiritual Ethics and Postmodernist Moral Thought: Can There Be A Reconciliation? International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(1), 670-683.