International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Smart Diagnostic Test in Remedial Education

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Reading ability and reading efficiency is a basic necessity in the learning process. Children are encouraged to grow optimally so that they can master the language accordingly to their level of development. Among the factors contributing to the problem of children not being able to master reading skills at primary level is that they not yet ready to learn to read or they encounter difficulties in reading tasks. Intervention using multimedia software might help them in acquiring reading skills. Personal learning is a teaching and learning approach based on individual needs and interests. Basically, diagnostic tests are always associated with the level of reading ability of any children. This article discusses on smart diagnostics test and interventions for students who have not mastered reading skills. It is proposed that diagnostic tests be performed using voice recognition techniques where this technique facilitates teachers to administer the test in order to identify areas of strength and weaknesses of reading among children. Smart diagnostic test using voice recognition is proposed as an alternative way as it has impact on diagnostic tests to determine the level of reading ability of students.
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In-Text Citation: (Ahmad, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Ahmad, N. A. B. (2018). Smart Diagnostic Test in Remedial Education. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(12), 2372–2378.