Islamic teachers education play a prominent role in achieving the goals in education which is to produce knowledgeable, pious and of good values individuals. In this matter, teachers’ ethics are crucial factors which can ensure the effectiveness and success of the Islamic Education system. An ethical teacher with good values will be able to develop himself as an educator and later on, be a good role model to the students. This concept paper is targeted to discuss teaching and ethics from the perspective of Islam and other ethical values, which should be implemented by the Islamic Education teachers. The discussion made by the Muslim scholars such as Imam Abu Hanifah (80H) and Imam al-Ghazali (450H). The views made by these scholars should be refined and internalized to empower the teaching ethics among Islamic Education teachers, in the aspects of religion, personality and professionalism specifically to face the challenges of the current education issues.Islamic teachers education play a prominent role in achieving the goals in education which is to produce knowledgeable, pious and of good values individuals. In this matter, teachers’ ethics are crucial factors which can ensure the effectiveness and success of the Islamic Education system. An ethical teacher with good values will be able to develop himself as an educator and later on, be a good role model to the students. This concept paper is targeted to discuss teaching and ethics from the perspective of Islam and other ethical values, which should be implemented by the Islamic Education teachers. The discussion made by the Muslim scholars such as Imam Abu Hanifah (80H) and Imam al-Ghazali (450H). The views made by these scholars should be refined and internalized to empower the teaching ethics among Islamic Education teachers, in the aspects of religion, personality and professionalism specifically to face the challenges of the current education issues.
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In-Text Citation: (Ayub, Hamzah, & Razak, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Ayub, N. S. binti, Hamzah, M. I. bin, & Razak, K. binti A. (2018). Ethics of Islamic Teachers Education and the Challenges of the Current Era. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(12), 2302–2314.
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