International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Effect of Motivation on Performance at the Women's Cooperative Institute in Al - Barokah, Tuban Regency

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High motivation will improve one's performance at work. Work motivation can be realized when leadership in the organization goes well. It also motivates employees to work in accordance with the achievement of the desired goals. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of motivation on employee performance at the Al-Barokah women's cooperative institution in Tuban Regency. In this study sampling technique was not used because the sample studied was the entire population or what was called the census. With the number of study samples totaling 584 people’s, consisting of employees at the Al-Barokah women's cooperative institution in Tuban. The data in this study uses quantitative-based studies. Data were collected using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The study shows that 96% of the motivation impression on employee performance at the Al-Barokah women's cooperative institution in Tuban. This achievement shows that motivation plays a major role in improving the performance of existing employees in the Al-Barokah women's cooperative in Tuban Regency
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In-Text Citation: (Muryani, Gunawan, Chik, Iskamto, & Ansori, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Muryani, E., Gunawan, A., Chik, Z. Bin, Iskamto, D., & Ansori, P. B. (2018). The Effect of Motivation on Performance at the Women’s Cooperative Institute in Al - Barokah, Tuban Regency. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(12), 2136 – 2141.