International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Raziman as a Terrorist in Gerila

Open access
Characters and the character traits are important elements of creative works, and they are the life of any work of fiction. One of the questions often asked regarding terrorism is the reasons why someone would get involved in acts of terrorism in the first place. The objective of this research is to explore the purpose and motivations driving the main character’s involvement in terrorism. This study will enhance the understanding of terrorists’ motivation as depicted in Gerila, thus, the readers can have a better perspective on terrorism in Southern Thailand. The focus of the study is to examine the factors which spurred the main character of the novel Gerila to get involved with terrorist activity. Furthermore, this study too can help us to identify the motivation behind Raziman’s negative behaviours’ in order to fulfill his goals in this novel. The data for this research is taken from the novel Gerila (2008) by Lukman Iskandar a novel which told the story of the people of Pattani and their fight. The framework for analysis of the research is Maslow’s theory of motivation, from the book Motivation and Personality (1970). The main character of this novel, Raziman, will be used as the sample to investigate the motivation influencing their involvement in terrorism.
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In-Text Citation: (Veeramuthu & Aziz, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Veeramuthu, S. P., & Aziz, S. A. (2018). Raziman as a Terrorist in Gerila. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(12), 2082–2098.