International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Quranic Depiction of Pharaoh the Sinner: Textual Analysis

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Many scholars briefly analyzed some Quranic figures and focused primarily on particular Major Prophets, legendary figures and rebellious characters in their research. In this paper, the Quranic figure to be discussed is Pharaoh the notorious sinner. Interestingly, this study will illustrate how the Quran demonstrated the character of Pharaoh and his transgression from linguistic approach. However, it is not a purely linguistic study. The methodology of the study is to conduct a lexicographical method including semantic signals, describing it from narrative approach as well as it is blended exegetically. Therefore, some major Quranic exegetes such as tafsir al-?abar?, al-Qur?ub? and al-Zamakshar? are being quoted. The samples are collected from fifteen different Quranic surahs connected to Pharaoh by using selected Quranic indexes and Quranic translation. As one of the Quranic depiction, the study will also imply the textual analysis; Problem-Solution Patterns introduced by Michael Hoey the linguist. The finding of the result is the Quran communicates its readers, admonishes them towards the transgression of Pharaoh as the main character, and the flow of the stories lies beautifully with the assistance of the supporting characters around Pharaoh throughout the Holy Quran, which is explicitly and implicitly portrayed.
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In-Text Citation: (Sulaiman & Rahman, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Sulaiman, S., & Rahman, N. E. A. (2018). The Quranic Depiction of Pharaoh the Sinner: Textual Analysis. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(12), 1851–1860.