The dynamic growth of industry, driven by the emerging needs towards sustainable environment, has made multiple life cycle product into an important aspect in providing the result for efficient supply chain management from as early as the design stage. Due to these current needs, the focused is to provide it with a flexible framework to be implemented for various multiple life cycle products meant to be remanufactured. This paper explores the literature review carried out for sustainable supply chain management in new product development. It is also intended to strengthen the requirements for any new products, of which should be designed to incorporate the multiple life cycle identity. The objective has therefore been to develop a practicable framework that will be tested for identified any products and determine whether it is a requirement in the initial design of new product development. In summary, this research will provide a better perception and act as a guideline for new product development. The idea is innovative to assist product designers to collaborate with supply chain managers to retain the science of multiple life cycle products.
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In-Text Citation: (Azlan & Nasir, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Azlan, M. A., & Nasir, M. F. M. (2018). A Review of New Product Development (NDP) in Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 1632–1645.
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