International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Effects of Group Guidance Activities On Students’ Self-Concept

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This study is to identify the enhancement of students’ self-concept through the implementation of group guidance. A group guidance activity was conducted in accordance with the group guidance structured activities, aiming to improve the self-concept of primary school students. A total of 64 fifth year students were selected for this study through simple random sampling. They were randomly assigned to a treatment group (n = 31) and a control group (n = 33). Both groups were given the Tennessee Self-Concept Children:2 (TSCS: 2) to measure their level of self-concept before and after the intervention. The experimental group went through a seven-week group guidance module with two sessions per week. Analysis shows that there is a significant difference in the mean score of the self-concept of post-intervention between the treatment group and the control group. The implementation of group guidance has helped to improve the self-concept of primary school children through adaptive activities.
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In-Text Citation: (Yusop, Zainudin, & Ismail, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Yusop, Y. H. M., Zainudin, Z. N., & Ismail, A. (2018). Effects of Group Guidance Activities On Students’ Self-Concept. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(12), 1697–1707.