Understanding Consumer Complaint Behavior (CCB) is important in present competitive business environment as it serves as quality improvement tools in enhancing customer experience. However, studies on consumer complaint behavior that been conducted in Malaysia are relatively few. Complaint should not been viewed as a problem. Consumers today are better educated, more sophisticated, more demanding and are willing to pay for services that meet or exceed their expectations. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between attitude, knowledge, personality and CCB among Millennial. A survey was conducted that involved 400 customers who experienced dissatisfaction of car vehicle repair services. The finding of this study indicates that only attitude and knowledge were statistically significant to CCB. Consumer satisfaction or dissatisfaction ratings are good indicators of firm’s performance to forecast future profit and return on investment. Therefore service managers should continuously and increasingly use customer satisfaction index as criterion for analyzing service performance to create more loyal customers.
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In-Text Citation: (Mat, Ali, Bahry, Kori, & Kori, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Mat, A., Ali, A. M., Bahry, N. S., Kori, N. L., & Kori, N. L. (2018). Individual Factors Influence on Consumer Complaint Behavior: The Case of Millennial. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 1603–1612.
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