Technology is believed to give an impact on user’s behaviour. Thus, e-notification management system prototype was developed to improve user’s compliance behaviour towards Information Security Policies (ISPs). The purpose of this study was to evaluate how this prototype can be used to improve the security compliance behaviour among users through their experience of using the propose system. Eighteen (18) users from selected local hospitals in Malaysia were interviewed and the qualitative analysis found that Management Support, Information Security Awareness, Self-Efficacy, Security Barrier and Trust contributed to ISPs compliance behaviour. Furthermore, most of the participants were satisfied with the prototype system. The prototype is hoped to give benefits to organizations in implementing and distributing ISPs systematically, especially in healthcare sector.
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In-Text Citation: (Humaidi, Balakrishnan, & Shahrom, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Humaidi, N., Balakrishnan, V., & Shahrom, M. (2018). Exploring User’s Experience using E-Notification Management System. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 1589–1602.
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