International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Influence of Work Environment, Competence and Compensation on Employee Performance through Intervening Variable Job Satisfaction at Bank BJB Tangerang Branch

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This study aims to analyze the influence of Work Environment, Competence and Compensation Against Employee Performance Through Intervening Variable Job Satisfaction At Bank BJB Tangerang Branch. In essence, performance is the end result to be achieved by an organization. Achievement of good performance will not be realized without the support of qualified human resources. The object of research in this research is employees of Bank BJB Branch Tangerang, which amounts to 80 people. So the authors take the object of research on employees of Bank BJB Branch Tangerang, where all the population used as the subject of research and no sample research, then this study using the census method. The method of analysis used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of this study indicate that (1) Work Environment has positive and significant effect on Job Satisfaction, (2) Competence has positive and significant effect on Job Satisfaction, (3) Compensation has positive and significant effect to Job Satisfaction, (4) (6) Competence has a positive and significant impact on Employee Performance, (7) Compensation has positive and significant impact to Employee Performance, (8) Work Environment, Competence And Compensation Simultaneously on Work Satisfaction, and (9) Work Environment, Competence, Compensation, and Job Satisfaction Simultaneously affect Towards Employee Performance.
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In-Text Citation: (Lestari, Syabarudin, Zurnali, & Murad, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Lestari, S. D., Syabarudin, D. A., Zurnali, C., & Murad, D. F. (2018). The Influence of Work Environment, Competence and Compensation on Employee Performance through Intervening Variable Job Satisfaction at Bank BJB Tangerang Branch. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 1572–1580.