International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Social Commerce Success Factors and Customer Satisfaction: Facebook Brand Page Platform

Open access
Social networking has experienced a huge transformation over a few decades. As one of the most popular social network, Facebook has become a powerful tool in business activities. The studies that related to the Information System (IS) success factors on Facebook application and social commerce user satisfaction are limited. This study aims to investigate the social commerce user satisfaction towards the application by examining the influence of Information System Success (ISS) factors; Information Quality, System Quality and Service Quality. In this study, 354 questionnaires were collected from three Facebook’s consumer product brand pages. The result revealed that Information Quality factor has major influences compared to other factors toward customer satisfaction among the social commerce users with. Meanwhile the factor of Service Quality for the Facebook’s brand pages was excluded from the research because the items are irrelevant with the variable.
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In-Text Citation: (Malik, Shuib, & Hairuddin, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Malik, A. M. A., Shuib, N., & Hairuddin, H. (2018). Social Commerce Success Factors and Customer Satisfaction: Facebook Brand Page Platform. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 1561–1571.