International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Customer Purchase Intention on Online Grocery Shopping

Open access
The internet has been progressively used to encourage online business transactions between entities and customers for different products and services. One of the applications that have gotten much consideration over the most recent couple of years is online grocery shopping (OGS). Grocery shopping is a piece of vital undertakings that must be completed with a specific end goal to satisfy the requirements for household or notwithstanding for individual consumption. The rise of online grocery shopping is all around adjusted by the greater part of the developed countries, particularly in America and European market. In any case, this situation is rarely occurring in Malaysia. These days, the accessibility of technologies has supported the utilization of online platform, for example, online grocery shopping. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is utilized to give the theoretical foundation for this study. In view of the empirical data gathered from the study, the findings show the strength of the TAM model in investigating the customer purchase intention on online grocery shopping in Melaka. What’s more, the visibility of OGS was additionally observed to be a vital element for its acknowledgement by the community. The motivation behind this study is to comprehend the factors that will influence the customer purchase intention on online grocery shopping in Melaka. The five independent variables that will be analysed in this study are perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived risk, visibility and social influence. There are 155 questionnaires has been distributed and only 150 questionnaires have been collected. Perceived ease of use found to be not significant and social influence is identified as the most important factor which influences consumer purchase intention on online grocery shopping in Melaka.
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In-Text Citation: (Kian, Loong, & Fong, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Kian, T. P., Loong, A. C. W., & Fong, S. W. L. (2018). Customer Purchase Intention on Online Grocery Shopping. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(12), 1579–1595.