International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Importance and Uses of Forest Product Bamboo and Rattan: their Value to Socioeconomics of Local Communities

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The study was conducted to determine the value of non wood forest products to the socioeconomic of local communities in Kelawat Kota Belud Sabah which is to identify the importance and uses of bamboo and rattan in the livehood of villagers also the advantage of using these products. Respondents surveyed were residents of four villages in Kelawat which is Ponopuan Village, Kelawat Village, Sumbilingon Village and Pangi Village. Data was collected by a questionnaire survey and interviews with respondents. From the research, a total of 102 respondents surveyed are involved in the use of bamboo and rattan. 33 (32.4%) of them use bamboo and rattan as a source of their income for socioeconomic while 69 (67.6%) others used bamboo and rattan for their own consumption. A total of 73 villagers agreed and strongly agreed that bamboo and rattan help in improving their socioeconomy. Bamboo and rattan are mainly used for handicrafts, followed by the manufacturing furniture and house construction, as well as source of food and other uses, for example musical instruments. Percentage of average total income of bamboo and rattan sales with the total income per month was 31.85% which concluded that bamboo and rattan give an important value to help in improving the socioeconomy of local communities.
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In-Text Citation: (Rahim & Idrus, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Rahim, W. R. W. A., & Idrus, R. M. (2018). Importance and Uses of Forest Product Bamboo and Rattan: their Value to Socioeconomics of Local Communities. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(12), 1484–1497.