International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Infopreneur: Education for Economic Growth

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Information management is a cornerstone of any organization, along with operations management, customer management and resource management. Managing and recording what the organization creates, use and maintain the information and preserve it in secure archive is paramount to the organization success. Failure to manage this information will expose the business to potential risks and liabilities. These issues will be the challenges for university graduates to become versatile and competent information professional. This paper aimed to determine the employability trend from the students of the Faculty of Information Management (FIM) Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) and if these graduates and their academic-acquired skills and competencies are related to their field of study in their present occupation. This paper also investigates the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education that has been embedded in the university curriculum where UiTM has been awarded as the Entrepreneurial University for three consecutive years (2012-2015) by the Minister of Education, Malaysia. Three years’ data were analyzed from Graduate Tracer Study questionnaire (2013-2015). The data focus on graduates from the Faculty of Information Management (FIM) as they are the potential respondent in becoming inforpreneur. It was analyzed descriptively and showed through tabulated and diagrammatized form to discuss the findings. The results proved that FIM produces marketable and appropriately trained graduates but the majority of them not working in course-related jobs. FIM graduates are still low in initiating their own business, failure in exploring the potential growth in information management industry. Therefore, in depth understanding about the entrepreneurship education, potential business of information management (IM) industry such as Commercial Record Centre (CRC) and Enterprise Content Management (ECM) etc. need to be address so that FIM graduates aware of the potential in this industry and can aggressively initiating their own business in future thus reducing the employability issues that faced by the university.

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In-Text Citation: (Yatin, Shuhaimi, & Ayob, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Yatin, S. F. M., Shuhaimi, H., & Ayob, A. (2018). Infopreneur: Education for Economic Growth. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(12), 1460–1476.