International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Effect of Public Service Motivation and Job Satisfaction on Public Officers’ Performance through Commitment

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The purpose of this study is to examine factors of individual attitudes (public service motivation, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment) in affecting public officers’ performance. Building an integrative framework model from all three constructs then testing it on public officers will provide a more comprehensive and dynamic understanding of the pattern of public officers’ performance in public institutions. Public officers who work at National State Administration Institution located in Jakarta, Bandung, and Makassar (92 employees come from STIA LAN Jakarta, 86 employees come from STIA LAN Bandung, and 75 employees come from STIA LAN Makassar) which amounted to 253 people were taken as respondents in this study. The samples collected were 221 people from 253 employees of STIA LAN. The data collected from the questionnaire instrument were distributed and analyzed by using structural model based on Partial Least Square. Findings of this study revealed that two of the five hypotheses were not supported, those are the effect of public service motivation on organizational commitment and job satisfaction on employee performance. The research findings revealed an emphasis on the important role of mediating organizational commitment in the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance. The most important practical implication is to make a satisfied employee improve their performance; they should be more committed to the organization.
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In-Text Citation: (Putranto, Setiajatnika, & Fahmi, 2018)v
To Cite this Article: Putranto, R. A., Setiajatnika, E., & Fahmi, I. (2018). The Effect of Public Service Motivation and Job Satisfaction on Public Officers’ Performance through Commitment. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(12), 1422–1435.