International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Utilization of Traditional Bagot Ni Horbo Cheese in Cheesecake Making: A Sensory Evaluation

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This research aimed to evaluate the sensory properties and shelf life of cheesecake prepared by using Bagot ni horbo as a replacement of cream cheese that originally used in cheesecake making. This research used the experimental method with a descriptive analysis of observation and interviews together with sensory evaluation by five expert panelists. Afterward, it is continued with long shelf life observation. The results showed that cheesecake experiments have almost similar to cheesecake controls from appearance and texture. Cheesecake experiments have small lumps and greenish color, but it can be used as a differentiator or a uniqueness. All the expert panelists agreed that cheesecake experiments are very feasible to be introduced to the public as a traditional culinary from Tapanuli. Cheesecake control extended the shelf life in the refrigerator to 6-7 days compared with cheesecake experiment that spoiled after 5-6 days. Quality of cheesecake experiments decreased faster that control because bagot ni horbo hasn’t used standards of processing method, standards of packaging method and standards of cleanliness or hygiene, but if the shelf life want to be extended, it can be frozen in the freezer.
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In-Text Citation: (Luthfi & Sanggramasari, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Luthfi, T. F., & Sanggramasari, S. (2018). The Utilization of Traditional Bagot Ni Horbo Cheese in Cheesecake Making: A Sensory Evaluation. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(17), 155–166.