Family Takaful is one of the services sectors that continue to play an important role in supporting economic and social development of Malaysia. It is disclosed that the performance of Takaful industry in Malaysia has strongly contributed by family Takaful business rather than general Takaful business. This can be concluded that family Takaful business remained the major income generator for Takaful industry in Malaysia. It is believed albeit macro-level aspects such as the nation’s economy, gross domestic products and so forth may lead to this result; other micro-level aspects at the individual level make contributions as well. Therefore, this study requires further examinations of participant loyalty in family Takaful from an innovation and fairness perspective. In additon, it also explores the mediating effects of relationship commitment-trust to explain the factors influencing participant loyalty in family Takaful. This study employs an extensive search for past literatures on the subject. The findings are expected to make a contribution in terms of understanding the factors that could contribute to the loyalty in family Takaful by Malaysian participants.
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In-Text Citation: (Yazid et al., 2018)
To Cite this Article: Yazid, A. S., Arifin, J., Rashid, N., Ghazali, P. L., Salleh, F., Mahmood, S., … Rasit, Z. A. (2018). The Mediating Effects of Relationship Commitment-Trust between Innovation and Fairness on Loyalty in family Takaful: A Literature Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 1487–1497.
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