International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


An Investigation of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Real Earnings Management toward the Changes on Firm Performance: Evidence from Jordan

Open access

Muhammad Dakhlallh, Norfadzilah Rashid, Ahmad Syukri Yazid, Fauzilah Salleh, Asyraf Afthanorhan, Puspa Liza Ghazali, Wan Norhayate Wan Daud, Fakrul Anuar Zainol

Pages 1389-1400 Received: 11 Oct, 2018 Revised: 30 Nov, 2018 Published Online: 11 Dec, 2018
Corporate Governance were always considered as protection tool towards the stakeholders interest in the capital market. However, the manipulation of the Real Earnings Management activities were also create a major treat among of the stakeholders whenever it were engaged among of top management of the business organizations. In this particular study, it was discussed with the few components under corporate governance mechanism together with theirs impacts on the firm performance in the business organization. It was believed as the selected components were have a significant influence towards the changes of the value relevance towards the business organizations in the capital market activities.
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In-Text Citation: (Dakhlallh et al., 2018)
To Cite this Article: Dakhlallh, M., Rashid, N., Yazid, A. S., Salleh, F., Afthanorhan, A., Ghazali, P. L., … Zainol, F. A. (2018). An Investigation of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Real Earnings Management toward the Changes on Firm Performance: Evidence from Jordan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 1389–1400.