International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Brand Relations in Social Media: A Research on Turkish Dairy Sector

Open access
Social media enables companies to promote their brands and products on online social platforms. Companies can create brand pages on social networking sites to develop consumer–brand relationships. There is a little research on the understanding of social media communication and how it can be used to engage the consumers especially by the dairy industry. The relationship between the consumer and the brand relationships through social media platforms needs to be investigated to understand dairy products brand efforts and to shed light to the structure of the data available, the design and delivery of social media content in the dairy industry.
This paper tries to guide further academic investigation on the topics of social media and especially the consumer engagement in the dairy industry using social media data available through Facebook. The paper will add to the knowledge in social media and engagement by identifying the main communication strategies used by dairy brands on Facebook, with engagement rates and patterns which can be used by both practitioners and academics. The research will also help determine the future research areas in the field.
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In-Text Citation: (Dincer & Dincer, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Dincer, C., & Dincer, B. (2018). Brand Relations in Social Media: A Research on Turkish Dairy Sector. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(12), 1144–1152.