International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Mediating Role of Meaningful Work between Career Growth Opportunities and Work Engagement

Open access

Umair Ahmed, Zainudin Bin Awang, Abu Shams Mohammad Mahmudul, Hoque Benazir Ahmed Siddiqui, Abdul Samad Dahri, Habsah Muda

Pages 1265-1282 Received: 11 Nov, 2018 Revised: 17 Dec, 2018 Published Online: 16 Dec, 2018
Work engagement has gained much appreciation over the recent decades. Therein, multifold of research can be tracked whereby, scholars are attempting to outline and understand what possibly can predict this element of positive occupational psychology. On the similar note, the present study aimed to address a crucial research gap through examining the role of career growth opportunities towards enhancing work engagement. Accordingly, the study also strived to test the direct as well as mediating effect of meaningful work in this relationship. The self-administered questionnaire was given to some 320 randomly selected respondents from four major retail banks in Malaysia outlined the significant positive relationship between career growth opportunities and work engagement whereby, meaningful work partially mediated their relationship. The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in IBM-SPSS-Amos 21.0 and the stated hypotheses were tested. The study found the following direct effects are positive and significant namely, Career growth opportunities on Work engagement (?=0.255, P=.001), Career growth opportunities on Meaningful work (?=0.666, P=.000), and Meaningful work on Work engagement (?=0.605, P=.000). The study also found Meaningful work partially mediates the relationship between Career growth opportunities and Work engagement. Overall, the results have landed support for meaningful work effects and its association with career growth opportunities through which organizations can help improve employees` work engagement. The implications of the above findings are discussed.
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In-Text Citation: (Ahmed et al., 2018)
To Cite this Article: Ahmed, U., Awang, Z. Bin, Mahmudul, A. S. M., Siddiqui, H. B. A., Dahri, A. S., & Muda, H. (2018). The Mediating Role of Meaningful Work between Career Growth Opportunities and Work Engagement. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 1265–1282.