International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Assessment of Cross Cultural Communication Strategy with Employees’ Performance in Selected Multinationals in South East Nigeria

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This paper focuses on assessment of Cross Cultural communication strategy on Employees performance in Selected Multinationals in South East, Nigeria. The objectives which guided the study were a to ascertain the effect of adopting cross cultural communication strategy on employee performance of selected multinational companies and examine the effect of cross cultural religious tolerance on employee performance. A five point Likert scale-type questionnaire was constructed, and administered among the staff of the selected multinational companies in the South East Nigeria manually. The sample size of 313 was obtained from the population. The hypotheses were tested using simple linear regression statistical tools. The results of the analyses showed that adoption of cross cultural communication strategy positively affects employee performance of selected multinational companies in the South East of Nigeria (r = .930; f = 1474.049; t = 38.393; p = .00). Implementation of cross-cultural religious tolerance positively affects employee performance of selected multinational companies in the South East of Nigeria (r = .938; f = 276.425; t = 16.626; p = .00). The study concluded that; cross-cultural communication strategy and religion tolerance influence employees’ performance of multinational companies’. It was recommended that; Management of various multinationals should develop a policy framework that will encourage the diverse cultural communication especially as regards to the operational area of the multinational; the employees of an organization should see diverse religion within the organization as a one hence creating an atmosphere that will improve individual and organizational performance.
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In-Text Citation: (Onuoha, John-Onuoha, & Thaddeus, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Onuoha, C. C., John-Onuoha, E. I., & Thaddeus, T. S. (2018). Assessment of Cross Cultural Communication Strategy with Employees’ Performance in Selected Multinationals in South East Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(12), 1121–1136.