International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Systematic Literature Review on the Problem-Posing Strategies for Biology Problem-Posing Multimedia Module Design

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Numerous research has documented the debate fuelled by scholars pertaining to problem-posing strategy in Mathematics. It has been argued that this strategy is capable of instilling student’s problem-solving skills. However, despite its popularity in Mathematics, the application on other subjects such as Biology particularly, via a media technology is still sparse. This study aims at identifying suitable strategies to be incorporated into a proposed multimedia module namely, Problem-Posing Multimedia Module (PPMM). To achieve the objective, a systematic literature review has been executed. This paper elaborates on the rigorous systematic literature review process done on the 289 selected journal articles and papers on problem-posing strategies topic. The analysis reveals that, while different field applies different strategies of problem-posing, most of them share similar themes in implementing problem-posing instructional strategies. These are communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking, which are part of the elements advocated in the 21st-century learning. These findings act as a heuristic device to propose a development of a problem-posing multimedia activity module.
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In-Text Citation: (Wahid, Talib, Sulaiman, & Puad, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Wahid, N. T. A., Talib, O., Sulaiman, T., & Puad, M. H. M. (2018). A Systematic Literature Review on the Problem-Posing Strategies for Biology Problem-Posing Multimedia Module Design. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(12), 1020–1032.