International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Determinants of Authentic Experiences in Ethnic Restaurants: A Multisensory Perspective (Taste, Visual, & Olfactory) of Generation Y in Hong Kong

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Ethnic restaurants deliver food and culture that are readily available in the local market. When transferring their food to a new place it can be difficult to keep the authenticity of the food. The exact ingredients or the cooking methods used in their native cuisine might not be applicable to Hong Kong. This study aims to explore the relationship of multi-sensory elements in Southeast Asian ethnic restaurants with Generation Y’s emotional response and perceived authenticity. A survey using the convenience sampling method was designed to study a modified framework for multisensory shopping behavior introduced by experimental psychologist Charles Spence. There were 193 usable responses collected from THEi campus and other different universities in Hong Kong. The findings have shown that the visual and taste cues have a linear relationship with positive emotional responses and perceived authenticity. The findings imply that ethnic restaurant businesses can utilize more sensory elements to provide an authentic ethnic dining experience and differentiate themselves in a competitive market.
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In-Text Citation: (Wong & Baldwin, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Wong, W. C. W., & Baldwin, W. (2018). Determinants of Authentic Experiences in Ethnic Restaurants: A Multisensory Perspective (Taste, Visual, & Olfactory) of Generation Y in Hong Kong. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(17), 73–94.