International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


An Evaluation of Four-Decade Experience of Industrial Policy in Sri Lanka: 1977-2017

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The objective of this study is to explain four decades of experience regarding export expansion under the new industrial policy, which was introduced in 1977 in Sri Lanka. The industrial policy has multiple objectives however the study was limited to export expansion and industrial sector achievements. This research is primarily based on secondary data and involves an extensive literature review on the area of concern to provide an overview of the industry policy and economic impact of Sri Lanka. The study presents the current status of industrial policy and highlights the contemporary issues in industrial policy in Sri Lankan economic development during four decade start from 1977 up to 2017. It is concluded that after four decades of experience, Sri Lanka is achieved moderate growth even though unable to maintain the required growth rate to make Sri Lanka as a fast growing economy in South Asia. Sri Lanka has opportunity to grow faster than other South Asian countries because of long term welfarism of the country for free health and education, already made talented and healthiest citizen comparing other South Asian countries.
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In-Text Citation: (Rajapakshe, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Rajapakshe, W. (2018). An Evaluation of Four-Decade Experience of Industrial Policy in Sri Lanka: 1977-2017. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(12), 969–986.