International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Market Segmentation of Kuala Selangor’s Ecotourists’

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Ecotourism sectors have gained significant attention from the tourism market these days. In Malaysia, this sector is considered a niche market and have been growing steadily for more than a decade. This sector also has become an option for the country to generate income from the tourism industry. To achieve the viable ecotourism, one must tap the critical marketing elements of segmenting ecotourism to the right market and into the proper channels. This paper describes the profile of ecotourists’ to Kuala Selangor based on the types of market segmentation such as demographic and psychographic in travel and tourism. Descriptive analysis is used to describe the profile of ecotourists’ based on the market segmentation methods. This study found that ecotourists’ characteristics vary and diverse in many aspects. The study also found that they are different in their tastes and preferences such as in the types of attractions offered in Kuala Selangor and their purpose of visiting the destination. This information provides value for destination managers in planning for future marketing strategies in sustaining the destination.
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In-Text Citation: (Mahdzar & Gani, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Mahdzar, M., & Gani, A. A. (2018). Market Segmentation of Kuala Selangor’s Ecotourists’. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(16), 144–152.