International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Food Security and Food Value Chain: Identifying the Influencing Components in Malaysian Seed Industry

Open access

Fakhrul Anwar Zainol, Chua Kim Aik, Noor Muthmainnah Hamdul Hadi, Wan Norhayate Wan Daud, Norfadzilah Rashid, Asyraf Afthanorhan

Pages 834-849 Received: 14 Nov, 2018 Revised: 13 Dec, 2018 Published Online: 30 Dec, 2018
Food insecurity is a common problem among low-income households in developing countries, including Malaysia. To be self-sufficient and attain food security, the growing need is to produce more food from less land. This formidable challenge has been brought to the attention of all policy makers, to realize the importance of agriculture, to put emphasis on food production and declared food self-sufficiency as their strategy to attain food security. This challenge and its complex, sustainable development issue triggered changes within the agriculture industry and has promoted development of the seed industry. The emphasis is on developing high yielding seed. High quality seed is the most important input for a productive agriculture. The seed industry in Malaysia is falling behind, not well develop, and apparently still at the early phase of development. Hence, high quality seed is difficult to obtain due to a lack of participation. To develop any industry requires strategy. The seed industry has rarely been an empirical setting for research, while within this research area, the start-up of new seed industry activities is viewed as the exploitation of business opportunities. In this study, face-to-face and semi-structured interviews have been adopted. Data collected from the interviews was analyzed qualitatively using Atlas.ti version 7. To attain food security, Malaysia has to focus on increased productivity by developing high yielding and environmentally adaptable seeds. The findings reveal that the respondents perceive food security is built on four important components; namely, accessibility, availability, stability and utilization. This finding would be useful information for policy makers and investors in their planning and decision-making.
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In-Text Citation: (Zainol et al., 2018)
To Cite this Article: Zainol, F. A., Aik, C. K., Hadi, N. M. H., Daud, W. N. W., Rashid, N., & Afthanorhan, A. (2018). Food Security and Food Value Chain: Identifying the Influencing Components in Malaysian Seed Industry. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(12), 834–849.