International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Characteristics of the Leaders on Effective Commitment

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School principals have a significant influence on teacher’s commitment. Through the literature review, this paper aims to identify the relationship between leadership styles, emotional intelligent and decision making among principals on teachers’ commitment and generate some hypotheses regarding this issue. Teacher’s commitment is factors that contribute to the school effectiveness as well as to the quality of school education. From the literature review that has been done, there are three important variables act as the antecedents that influence the level of teacher’s commitment. The antecedents are principals’ leadership style, principals’ emotional intelligent and principals’ decision making. So that, this paper tries to examine the relationship and the important between leadership styles, emotional intelligent and decision-making among the principals and how it will affect teacher’s commitment. The study provides useful information about principal leadership and how it could contribute to increase the level of teachers’ commitment. In order to increase the commitment among teachers, principals should use different kind of leadership styles, know how to handle with their own emotional intelligent and react with the reasonable decision-making that respond better with the different situations.
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In-Text Citation: (Jaafar & Ghazali, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Jaafar, F. W. B., & Ghazali, P. L. B. (2018). The Characteristics of the Leaders on Effective Commitment. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(12), 777–784.