International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Impact E-Commerce Service Quality to Loyalty Evidence Study in Malaysian Hotel Industry

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The tourism industry is viewed as the top service industry in terms of size, particularly its hotel sector branch. The management of customer loyalty through the quality of E-commerce service in the long-run is imperative in attracting considerable number of foreign tourists into Malaysia. Service quality refers to the way the level of service delivery meets the expectations of customers. Hence, in realm of E-commerce, the quality of service is measured by gauging the way the website satisfies the customers’ expectations. This paper provided a discussion of E-commerce service quality and tourism loyalty relationship in the Malaysian East coast hotel industry. The paper aimed to provide insight into E-commerce service quality among the foreign tourists patronizing the hotels. This study is using a questionnaire as the survey instrument in a quantitative type of research. The sample comprised of 100 tourists staying in above 3-star hotels in Malaysian East Coast. Based on the findings of this preliminary study, E-commerce service quality was found to be affected by perceived product, perceived user interface quality, perceived security risk and perceived privacy. This indicates that in the hotel industry, successful provision of E-commerce service quality will garner an influx of patrons. The entire identified factors were included in the actual survey with the aim of improving the quality of E-commerce services in the hotel industry of Malaysia. Lastly, the study enhances such quality by generating E-customer loyalty.
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In-Text Citation: (Halim & Alsheikh, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Halim, M. S. B. A., & Alsheikh, G. A. A. (2018). The Impact E-Commerce Service Quality to Loyalty Evidence Study in Malaysian Hotel Industry. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(12), 766–776.