International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Conflict Management in the Constitution of Medina: An Analysis

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Society which consists of diverse social backgrounds is vulnerable to conflicts. This causes issues like, discrimination, dispute, war, oppresion and other issues. Hence, conflict management plays an important role to control plural society. For instance, looking back through history, conflict, dispute and war usually occur in Medina as a result of differences of background and, tribal issues As the head of state, Prophet Muhammad PBUH, has promulgated The Constitution of Medina in order to manage and cater to the need of the citizens which comprise of diverse races, languages, religions, cultures and customs. The Constitution of Medina is the world's first written Constitution that successfully manages a plural society, making Medina a strong and respected country. Thus, this paper aims to identify and analyse the management of conflict in Medina. This paper uses data collection method through library research as well as in-depth interview. Meanwhile, content analysis method is used to analyse the data obtained. Findings revealed that Prophet Muhammad PBUH has successfully managed the plural society through clauses contained in The Constitution of Medina. Plural society is recognised as one nation (ummah) and it has created multiple ties for the sake of defending Medina from external threats.
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In-Text Citation: (Embong, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Embong, Z. (2018). Conflict Management in the Constitution of Medina: An Analysis. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(12), 396–414.