International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


An Assessment of Hazards and Occupational Health & Safety Practices for Workers in the Textile Industry: A Case Study

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Thousands of workers have been killed and injured due to unsafe buildings, worst emergency system and poor occupational health and safety practices in textile industries. It is very essential to recognize the hazards in the workplace. This study was carried out in the textile industry at Kotri, Sindh, Pakistan with the objective to assess hazards and safety practices for workers. The data was collected through the questionnaire of Musa et al (2012) with few modifications. The SPSS software was used to analyze the data and obtain appropriate results. Respondents agreed with the great extent that there was an existence of hazards like; Noise, Fire smoke, Smoking, Fatigue, Drinking alcohol, Job stress and Cotton dust particles at the great extent and these hazards affect directly or indirectly on the health of workers. Occupational Health and Safety Practices (OHSP) include; Awareness of clinic, Awareness of hazards, Awareness of preventive measures, inaccurate instrument make trouble, medical bill facility, and periodic medical test was being carried out in their organizations while; personal protective equipment’s, pre-employment medical examination, training on hazard prevention were not available in the textile industry. Moreover, the majority of the respondents agreed that personal protective devices were not available in the company. This indicates that occupational health and safety practices were not satisfied at the workplace. Therefore, the organization should take the serious implementation of (OHSP) at the workplace
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In-Text Citation: (Shaikh, Weiguo, Shahid, Ayaz, & Ali, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Shaikh, M. A., Weiguo, S., Shahid, M. U., Ayaz, H., & Ali, M. (2018). An Assessment of Hazards and Occupational Health & Safety Practices for Workers in the Textile Industry: A Case Study. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(12), 333–347.