Introduction Researchers portray the possibility that emotional competency issues among adolescents can cause behavioural problems in future. They are at risk of becoming dissatisfied and unhappy teenagers and may choose to become involved in negative activities such as gangsterism, bullying, drug abuse, sexual misconduct, and crime” (Kuldas et al, 2015). The aim of the study is to explore emotional issues that are more evident among youngsters. Method Interviews were conducted with 14 professionals and 13 students from the Tunas Bakti schools, secondary schools and universities. Results Through thematic analysis using the MAXQDA software revealed nine themes which are professional competency, living environment, relationship management, self-management, social awareness, self-awareness, juvenile institution negative and juvenile institution positive and ways of coping. Future recommendations, Future studies can help investigate the new findings discovered in the thematic analysis such as the professional competency. Meanwhile, studies in overcoming issues involved in the living environment theme can be explored further.
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In-Text Citation: (Perveen et al., 2018)
To Cite this Article: Perveen, A., Hamzah, H. B., Kee, P., Daud, N. A. B. M., Othman, A., Abas, N. A. H., & Morgul, E. (2018). Emotional Competency Issues Faced by Youths in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 1039–1055.
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