Akidah teaching of Muhamad Abdul Wahab or wahabiy that has been spread in Malaysia caught the attention form government and non-government as well as other organisations. Although JAKIM through the research from the Committee Review of Faith, JAPAS dan JAPIS did not stated the Wahabiy teaching as as deviant and against Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah. But for those who believe in akidah teaching of Abu al-Hasan al-Asya’ari or best known as the twenty attributes of Allah (sifat 20) believed that wahabiy akidah is a heresy. Those who believed in the akidah brought by Muhammad Abdul Wahab or wahabiy agreed that it is true and meet the requirements of akidah belong to al-Salaf. There are obvious disputes between both parties in defending each other’s akidah. The more worrying part is that, wahabi teaching was associated with the terrorist. The question is either the foundation akidah of Muhamad Abdul Wahab really gone astray from the teaching of Ahli Sunnah not? Is it true that this is parallel to the akidah of al-Salaf al-Soleh? Hence, this research is essential to find out whether or not the akidah of Muhammad Abdul Wahab atau Wahabiy meet the foundation of akidah practiced by al-Salaf al-Soleh. The finding based on this research found that Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab possessed the foundation of akidah which took al-Quran and al-Sunnah as its main reference. The findings as well showed that his policy is match with the foundation of akidah belongs to al-Salaf al-Soleh or Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah. This research contributed to the affirmation about the truth of Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab’s foundation of akidah. It then strengthen the stand of JAKIM that admit the truth of his akidah although there are few groups of people still consider the akidah of Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab as a foundation that has gone astray.
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In-Text Citation: (Ahmad & Mamat, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Ahmad, A. B. @, & Mamat, A. (2018). The Comparison between the Foundation of Akidah of Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab and Al-Salaf Al-Soleh: The Research from the Understanding of Akidah Tawhid. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 983–1000.
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