Takaful is one of the Islamic financial instruments that emphasize the principles of brotherhood, unity and mutual cooperation in providing assistance to the participants who is in need of aid. Regular takaful participants deal with takaful agents to promote their products and takaful protection plans to the public. Takaful agents act as representatives for the consumers in managing their takaful plan participation procedures while at the same time providing a transparent and clear information to the consumers regarding takaful plans. However, there are some negative issues that arise regarding takaful agents in representing the consumers such as unethical management and unable to provide an accurate information of the takaful. Thus, the question arise, is the behaviour of a negative takaful agent arising from the behaviour of the takaful consumers or is it actually caused by the behaviour of takaful agent itself? Hence, this study aims to examine the negative behaviour of takaful agents with consumers in Malaysia. There are two objectives of the study. First, to identify the behaviour of takaful agent against consumers in previous studies; and second, to analyse the negative behaviours of takaful agents with consumers in previous studies. The findings reveal that among the few of the negative behaviour of takaful agents is deliberately concealing information on products and services, and being unable to identify the needs of the takaful participants resulting in the failure to provide suitable products to the participants.
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In-Text Citation: (Abdullah, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Abdullah, N. A. (2018). Studies on Takaful Agent Behaviour against Consumers. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 973–982.
Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)
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